Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Deleted Scene-
Shredder Fights The Foot

In the first of our deleted scene postings here at TMNTFilm.com, we will take a look at a sequence recently thrust back into the spotlight- "Shredder Fights The Foot". This scene would have taken place right after Shredder's reveal in the large auditorium in front of his "family" of wayward teens. Here is how the script depicts the sequence:

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While it was cut from the final film, both the comic adaptation and junior novelization still include versions of the fight. In the comic version, a standing Shredder fends off his attackers with no reference to the red headband-

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The junior novelization follows a bit closer to the script, including the reveal that the 4 attackers are meant to be the thugs that the Turtles thwarted in their attempted mugging of April. There is however no reference to Shredder being seated the entire time-

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As for reference of the scene actually being filmed, up until recently the only evidence presented has been seldom seen still imagery like this shot used in the Diamond sticker set. Note that you can see the red headband/ mask hanging on Shredder's left shoulder-

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Now though- thanks to the AMAZING new documentary "Turtle Power"- we have our first look at actual video of this scene! Included as a "picture-in-picture" sequence during the documentary's coverage of the film's making, these brief snippets offer at least some of this long-lost fight. I have done my best to zoom in on this portion of the documentary in an effort to offer the best view possible. I also replaced the documentary audio with a selection of the film score.

Note that the scene is missing the portion of Tatsu placing the red headband on Shredder's shoulder; We see Tatsu beside Shredder and then the sequence immediately cuts to Shredder being attacked, with the headband in place on his left shoulder-

tmntshredderfights from TMNT Filmcom on Vimeo.

This is one of the harsher removals from the film in my opinion. Seeing a seated Shredder easily besting a gang of attackers really sells how high his threat level is, while his speech after reinforces the idea that becoming a member of the Foot requires sacrifice. Hopefully one day the film will receive a true "Special Edition" treatment, and a fully restored version of the scene will make its way back into the movie...


  1. i personally saw this scene included in the original movie release at a Shrewsbury MA movie theater

    1. I saw it in theaters as well when I was just shy of 10 years old. Years afterwards however I began to think I'd imagined it because I was so young when I saw it and I couldn't find evidence for it anywhere.

  2. after seeing the deleted scene of the four thugs that got beaten by the turtle and now their master as well. The movie I think could have been awesome with that scene in it as well. it would have only added maybe an extra 20 mins or so
